Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stuff That Excites me about this Sunday's Madison Marathon

The Madison Marathon, my 9th marathon, is less then 3 days away! I love race day. I love the anticipation, the excitement, the thrill. I love being packed in to the start line with thousands of people then talking to veteran runners and giving advice to novice ones.  I love the thrill of some stranger calling out my name when I pass by. I love passing by that one band that is doing a cover of my favorite song that keeps you going. I love the sight of every mile marker telling me I'm little closer to my goal every time. I love the sound of my name being called out when I cross that finish line. I love the feel of stretched out muscles after that long run and the feel of that new shirt and medal you just earned.  Finally, I love the taste of a cold beer after that long day.

All the none runners call us crazy, but you marathoners you know what I'm talking about. You soon to be marathoners...just wait because your going to experience something that is wonderful, crazy, thrilling, exciting, terrifying, fulfilling packed into 26.2 miles.