Sunday, September 18, 2011

Funny thing happened while running on the Lakefront yesterday

If you know me personally or know me as a Team in Training Coach you know I have a tendency to stand out. That is by far an understatement.  I bring this up because last week I was Coaching the Chicago Half Marathon at mile 3-4 and mile 11-12. When I coach Half and Full Marathoners I believe that the coach should have most energy and be the most positive. As a leader you need to lead by example. I preach that a big part of running is mental game and you need to stay positive even when it's tough. As Keegan Grant said, a little boy who fought cancer, once said, "Happiness is a choice. You can be happy or miserable either way the distance is the same." If a little boy with cancer going though hellish chemo and radiation therapies can say that, we as runners and walkers can stay positive when we hit the wall for a few more miles. I believe a coach's attitude and energy will rub on to others throughout the race. 
To this day, I yell Keegan's quote to every runner and walker I come in contact with. When a participant sees a 6' 3" tall coach wearing a bright green wig and obnoxious colored short running shorts you'll have a tendency to notice him or run away. You'll be surprised how many people give me a smile and then high five me. Last week during the Chicago Half Marathon was no different. I coached my heart out helping everyone get to the finish. 
Yesterday, I was watching out for Team In Training participants doing their 20 mile training run for the Chicago Marathon by the North Ave. Beach house. As I was coaching, I was doing my "coaching thing" cheering on all the other people running and walking by me. I must have had 15 random people come up to me and say something like, "Hey I saw you last week at the Chicago Half last week and I'm happy!" 
Having random people come up to me and say that gives me a great deal of satisfaction that my energy and positive attitude rubbed off on them.