Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Time for Taper

This week I rain durring my lunch break for 40 minutes around Glenview. It was a 4.4 mile run.
On Tuesday I went to Spin Class in Schaumbung and Asst. Coach Paula foused on hill training. 
On Wednesday I went to Spin Class in in Deerfield. Coach Steeve focused on high intenisity training. 

I'll take a break Thursday and Friday. Friday I turn in my bike to get shipped to Tucson. Woo Hoo. Only 1 week until I head out. I have my race packet.  All I need to do some laundry and get so little things at Target

Only 9 days until Tour de Tucson.
Come to think about it...I'm going to need to plan out my stops with my pace group.
By the way look at the Map of the 109 mile course.

Don't forget to check up on my status during the race. My bib number is 5059.